Thursday, January 21, 2016

Basic Sesame Facts All Of Us Should Know!

Even inspite of being the country that produces a large percentage of the total sesame produced annually, most of us are unaware of what really sesame is, where it comes from and what it can do for us. India is one of the top sesame seed producers and sesame seed exporters in the world but many natives don’t really know about sesame seeds and their benefits etc.
Thus to brush up your basic knowledge on the subject and help you realize the importance of sesame, we have listed a few sesame facts below.

1. Sesame seeds come from the sesame fruit. 
Yes, that’s true! Sesame seeds infact come from a fruit called sesame fruit which is in the shape and form of a long pod which resembles okra.  This fruit grows on the sesame plant and is mostly found in Africa and Asia.

2. Sesame plants are dried before removing the seeds
The sesame plant or fruit is made to dry before removing the seeds from within them. As the fruit dries, the pods begin to open and the seeds lying inside are revealed.  Then in order to extract the sesame seeds, the plant is shaken and the seeds get released.

3. Sesame seeds are hulled from their shells
The beautiful white sesame seeds that you see spread on top of buns and burgers are not naturally that way.  These are derived from darker outer coverings known as hulls. The natural sesame seeds are hulled before obtaining the white sesame seeds or black sesame seeds.

4. Sesame seeds come in many colours
 Besides white and black seeds, organic sesame seeds come in many other colours including red, brown and even tan. Some of them are also multi-colored in appearance.

5. Sesame seeds form major crops in certain parts of the world
The top 5 producers or manufacturers of sesame seeds in the world are Myanmar, China, India, Ethiopia and Sudan.  The crop forms a major agricultural product in these countries.

6. Sesame plants are one of the oldest known plants to be harvested
Sesame plants are the oldest known oilcrops in the world and also the oldest plants ever to be harvested.  They have been around for about 4000 years now.

7. Sesame seeds have tremendous health benefits
Another thing which everyone must know about sesame seeds is that they are associated with several health benefits.  Since they are high in many minerals, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, they form a complete health package and prevent many health ailments and diseases.

8. They taste simply delicious
Above all, sesame seeds taste quite incredible. They are nutty, crunchy and are thus used in many cuisines across the world.

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